April 02, 2008

I've been kinda bummed today, Mr. Mason has had a really bad cough since Monday and it's a dry cough he coughed so much yesterday he vomited. Yuckkk my poor baby. He went to the Dr. today cuz I had this funny feeling about his cough. I found out that Mr.Mason has asthma just like his other family members he's only 5 mths and it just makes me sick to think of him having trouble breathing he's so little I think what if he can't catch his breath when I'm not around "big sighhhh" ohhh and I didn't even take him his Aunt and Grandma did gosh now I feel even more horrible as a mami cuz I wasn't even their!!!! He got his treatment when I got home cuz I was the one that got his meds from the pharmacy. He was coughing and crying but got calm when I put the mask on his face. look at him below isn't he the cutest asthma sick baby.

I did a layout with Warm Glitz Collection-Diamante Design by Lori Wiley, I just love the soft colors. Perfect for spring and Easter ;) Found Here at Her shop

I f you missed Diamante Designs newsletter on Monday then go here and sign up for the next one



Barb said...

Very nice layout! Sorry your little man is sick.

Carjazi - aka Diane said...

I'm so sorry to hear your little guy has asthma. Must be so hard for you both. Lovin Lori's new stuff. It's on my wish list. Great layout with it.

Azrood said...

I'm so sorry that your baby isn't feeling well and that you're having to deal with an asthma diagnosis. I do have to agree though, he is definitely the cutest asthma sick baby! Hugs to you both.

Anonymous said...

Awww...look at him! The hardest thing a mother has to deal with!!! Love your layout... have a great day.. :)

Juliana said...

Sorry to hear about the asthma! Poor little guy!
Your layouts are lovely. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

aww... Mary... I hope he is feeling better. Not liking to see him having to use the oxygen mask =( Poor boy. Your blog is full of great information. :)

Anonymous said...

awwww poor baby. hope he improves once he gets used to the treatments. great LO

Anonymous said...

AW! Poor little guy. Kat went on a nebulizer at 9 months. She was never that happy with the mask on. LOL She hasn't needed it in awhile, but she found the box and whipped out the mask yesterday and thought it was the coolest thing. weird kid.

(((hugs))) for you and Mason!

Gorgeous layout!

Anonymous said...

Oh poor baby Mason! That is so not good! Bit welcome to the world of true scrappers. Only we could thing to scrap our babies being sick. Beautiful layouts!

Margie said...

Poor little guy! He does looks o cute though. Sorry to hear about his asthma.

Miranda Barten said...

So sorry to hear about your little boy..

Your layout is wonderful...

Anonymous said...

Aw, I'm sorry about the asthma. I have it too, so I've been waiting to see if any of my kids develop it. I think it helps that we live in Nevada.

Oh, and your layout is FANTASTIC! Love that kit!