December 07, 2007

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Mr Mason went to the ER yesterday at the persistence of his dad and they said day 4&5 of his bronchial virus would be the worst for him and yes it was, he did have an eye infection and they said a lil tylenol would be ok but not too much b/c it may mask a fever, Okkyyy Dokeyy and dh felt a lil better...
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December 06, 2007

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Mr. Mason is getting sicker & sicker I'll be taking him to the hospital this afternoon, when his dad gets home cuz he wants to talk to the Dr. personally. He woke up with GuNk in his eyes & their all watery :) He also has a serious rash Bigg Sigghhh!! My poor lil guy :)=================================================================================My...
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December 04, 2007

Hello Everyone, This post is in response to Lori Wiley saying I hope all is well... gosh she got an ear full huh, LOL I'm doing well but my dd Ary has been sick since coming home from NC her Asthma is better but her cold is killin her and to make matters worse she won't stay away from her baby brother...
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