May 24, 2011

May 22, 2011

This weekend!

This weekend was a good one. On Saturday I went and took advantage of the Old Navy flip flop sale for $1.00. I did get all 5 pairs and I took my dd Helena to get some of her own plus they gave us a $5.00 of $35.00 cpn and I took advantage of that too, the shorts for lil girls were $7.50 and the bathing suits were like $9.00. I found some pants on clearance too $3.94 ummm so grabbed em and ran!
Later that day Cely had a camp out for her Girl Scouts and she had so so much fun she talked about it all weekend long. She got a lil CSI badge and she was so proud of it, she said she was going to take it to school tomorrow to talk about it, jejeje she's to cute!! gotta love her for her enthusiasm!!!
We waited for her to get home from her good time to BBQ' some hot dogs and corn and we really wanted her to see that her papi put up the tire swing and a swing just for them. They've only been asking for it for the past week but it's been raining here blehhhh so Sat was nice and papi got it done. He's such a lil kid at heart he just had to try out his new toys uhh I mean the kiddos new play things. I love that the sun or barely sun is out till 7pm, more family time outside!

On Sunday we went to Essex CT to see The Day out with Thomas, it was so much fun and the kids had a blast even the big kids, jejeje. I'll leave you with some photos :)

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