September 19, 2008

Here is Mr.Mason looking fine as eva' he's 10mths and 3 weeks bigsighhh time has just flown by and I know how many people say this but isit time that has flown by or me myself and I that hasn't taken enough time ofmy own to suck him all in. He's so smart and loveable. He picks up his handand grunts...
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September 17, 2008

My dd Helena is a member of the color guard, I love looking at the girls twirl theirflags and get all pretty and stuff. I still cant' believe she did it. She did her 1st parade yesterday the Big E it's a big deal for them b/c It's a huge fair and we go every year, I didn't get to see her but I will...
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September 16, 2008

I'm so excited I could scream.... MR. MASON HAS TAKEN HIS FIRST STEPS!!!Yes he's been walking by grabbing onto the couch, coffee table, walls, etc but he took3-4 steps yesterday I almost fainted, literally ;) Ohhh and he's finally got one tooth crackingthrough and the other one is right behind it ;)and...
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