August 31, 2011

Blurb and Digital layouts

I have been super bummed because last week our Y underwent some summer restoration work they stayed open but it was all limited. Then because of Hurricane Irene they had to close for 3 days so
it's been about 10 days since I've done anything in the gym.

I had a class scheduled where they teach me how to use the
equipment but it was cancelled last Friday b/c they were working
on one part and had to close it because it was that time and
omg I was like ok while I was annoyed b/c it just wasn't worth
going and being in the way I'm glad that everything is nice
and clean. It's just that you get on a schedule and I hate
walking in my area, ok OK! I am going back to my regular
schedule today and hitting the weights. I don't think it's the
most brilliant idea to start again but I need to start
somewhere and that's the class I can go to!

Wish me luck and I hope I'm not to sore tomorrow because
tomorrow is Mr Mason's open house Yahhhhh

The kids were suppose to be in school today but same thing
Hurricane Irene power was out at the schools and homes so
they delayed open house to tmrw and the opening of school
officially is Friday.

My 3yr old really doesn't want to go to school so I may
have a hard time with him because all he says I'm not going,
I don't want to go, who cares if Cely and Gio are in
the school sighhhh

I can't say oh they'll be with you on the bus b/c he's not,
Pre-K kiddies ride a whole different bus.

Send me positive vibes that once I put him on he won't
panic and start screaming and throwing a tantrum....
It will so break my heart :/

I am so excited I got: today I like by Erica Hernandes
over @ 2Peas in a bucket!! YAYYYYY

It's like a Gallery Standout.....
I used: Lakehouse - the full kit & The 2 Of Us 12x12 Templates
By ChrissyW

A quote I found the other day and decided to snazzy it up a
lil or at least try!

